onsdag 10 augusti 2011

What a fantastic journey!

So, we finally made it back to Öckerö (as Hanna already has written :-)). We had some nice sailing from Germany through Denmark back here. Now Johan and I have spent a couple of days unloading the boat to be able to make it ours and to fit it for sailing in the archipelago of the Swedish west coast. We are very happy with the boat and like it a lot. Hanna is attending a sailing school the whole week, she is really hooked on sailing now, and Lina is seeing her friends every day, very happy with that.
The journey from southern France to Öckerö has been fantastic. I have never been on a vacation that has given me so many experiences. When we reached Kerteminde in Denmark after a day of really hard sailing when I had to adjust the sails a dozen of times and my body and brain was aching :-) from all the exercise, I said to the rest of the family that now I have had enough of experiences and needed to go back home urgently! My brain could not handle more.
Before we left Sweden I saw myself sitting in the boat relaxing with a book while we slowly made our way through the rivers and canals. Haha. I have only read two chapters! The time flew away reading the map, preparing for the next lock, looking up where there was a harbor deep enough for us to moor for the night, steering, preparing lunch or dinner, trying to find a super market, some place to fill the water tank, and so on.... Not to mention when the journey took its own way when we got stuck in Gray and had to change our plans totally. But I think it was good for me, not hiding behind a book, but instead being really present. Maybe that is why I now have the feeling that even though we have only been on the boat for seven weeks it feels like we have been away several months.
I also think the trip made our family stronger. We feared that we would have a lot of conflicts and some people warned us about making a trip like this with two teenage daughters. Of course there has been moments of conflicts, but as a whole it has worked out very nicely. We have had two bad days, but that's it.
As I said this trip has been fantastic - if you have plans to do something like it - don't hesitate!

måndag 8 augusti 2011

Nu är vi hemma!!!! Gissa om vi är glada att se katterna igen??

Vi är hemma nu för i Lördags hade vi tänkt segla till Laesö men sen när vi var i närheten så sa vi nej, vi fortsätter hem. Anledningarna var bland annat:
1. Vi saknade katterna, kompisrana, och släkten.
2. Jag ville gå på en seglarskola som  är den här veckan för fevor (en större jolle) (Var där idag och det var jätteroligt!!).
3. Det skulle bli hård vind från fel håll i 1-3 dagar så vi ville inte riskera att bli inblåsta och så.
Det var lite synd att vi inte åkte till Laesö för jag var där när jag var yngre och ville se hur det ser ut nu, men mamma och pappa sa att vi kunde segla dit någon helg.
Jag skrev senast när vi var i Nyborg, och efter det så har vi varit i Kerteminde, Ballen på Samsö, Grennaa (uttalas Å), Halls (där har de världens godaste glass!!!!!!! Supergod), Saeby och sen åkte vi hem. Nu börjar skolan om två veckor, vi har hämtat katterna, jag har börjat på seglarskolan, mamma och pappa packar ut allt onödigt i båten och städar den (jag ska också hjälpa till), Lina är med sina kompisar som hon saknade så Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimla mycket, Vi ska hämta kaninen, och njuta av resten av den svenska sommaren. Vi kanske hörs nästa gång vi åker igenom kanalerna :P Hejdå for now :) /Hanna

fredag 29 juli 2011

Nyborg, Danmark, Jorden, Vinter gatan, Universum..... där är vi :D

Ja, vi är ju som sagt i Nyborg nu och när i seglade hit var det jättehärlig vind. Vi hade tänkt segla till Rudköping men sen blev det för kort sträcka att åka. Så jag, mamma och pappa har varit ute och sprungit idag och nu har vi precis ätit lunch på en liten resturang här. Efter att min kusin rekommenderade en glass, som tydligen finns i de flesta danska hamnar, i kioskarna, så har jag testat en i Bagenkop och den var jättegod!!!!!!! :D ciao  /Hanna :D

tisdag 26 juli 2011

Jag har lite andra gamla bilder. Eller aa, d är inte gamla. :P

Vår nya trolley som vi hoppas håller bättre än den förra. Köpte den i  St. Jean du Losne för typ 3 veckor sen.

En fiskresturang där vi åt fischbrötchen. Fiskbröd. Jättegott!! Dt fanns massor av små fiskresturanger och vi var på två av dem. Den är är en båt som de har resturang på :P

Jag styr i regnigt väder på väg till Chalon sur Saone för flera veckor sen.

En sluss som var trasig. Det tog en stund för dem att fixa den.  Det var första slussen på morgonen efter Gray (första gången vi var där) :P

En häger i Port sur Saone.
                                                       Ni ser vad mycket bilder jag har glömt att lägga ut :P /Hanna :)

Nu är vi i Danmark :P

I Port-sur Saone lyfte vi båten och satte den på en lastbil. Den dagen var det väldigt konstigt väder- först iskallt, sen sol, sen regn, och just när man har hämtat regnjackorna blir det soligt igen :P Hehe J Vi hyrde iaf en bil och åkte ena dagen till något ställe i Tyskland, stannade på ett motel och fortsatte sedan nästa dag till Travemünde, där vi stannade en natt på ett Zimmer Frei. Det var jättetrevligt och det var JÄTTEGOD frukost J Den dagen åkte vi ner till Böbs Werft och sjösatte båten. Vi grejade i båten hela dagen. Vi blåste också upp gummibåten och har rott runt ganska mycket. Det är jätteroligt att ro. Idag satte vi på masten och resten av riggen. Man behövde inte hjälpa till särskilt mycket för de gjorde det mesta. Vi har tänkt åka på lördag för imorgon ska vi göra klart allting.

Det är måndag idag och NU åker vi äntligen. Vi har legat i Travemünde i flera dagar och bland annat gått på festivalen. Det var en jättetrevlig festival med massor av god mat och affärer. Det var massor av stånd där de sålde allt från torkad frukt och armband till glasögonputsningmedel. Det fanns massor av mat i alla former- kinesisk mat, bratwurst med bröd, crȇpes, pizza, kebab och massor av annat som till exempel glass, slush puppies, godis, barer, kuddar, piercing ställen, m.m. En av de största grejerna var ändå kappseglingen. Det var helt fullt av båtar ute när vi gick idag. Vi har seglat till Heiligenhafen idag. Det är jättegött att vi äntligen har börjat segla båten J

Nu har vi kommit till Bagenkop i Danmark efter en dagsseglats. Vi åkte mest med motor idag för det var så lite vind, så vi bara åkte i 1,5 knop. De har iaf gratis WIFI här så det använder vi nu. Ni bör förbereda er på mycket bilder för det var ett tag sen vi hade internet sist :)
Här är lite bilder:
Förberedelser för att lyfta båten. De fick klippa ner massor av grenar längs den här vägen så det låg massor på marken.

Lastbilen som transporterade båten.

Ser ni grenarna i bakrunden. Och kolla hur lång lastbilen e :P

Bred last haha :P Eller alltså en ovanligt stor last för att förklara tydligt.  CONVOI EXCEPTIONNEL.

När de lyfter båten i Port-sur Saone. Känns som evigheter sen. men kolla den långa kölen.

När vi väntar på att båten ska lyftas i i Travemunde 2 dagar senare.  Båten är lite snedlastad så den lutar lite åt  babord .

Böbs werft. Varvet heter så.

Ilyftning i Travemunde. 

Båtar i Travemunde.

Tyska flaggan speglar sig i vattnet :P hehe :)

Några små fiskebåtar.

Ror lite med gummibåten. The proud photographer is Lina.

Ankor i Travemunde. De kom jättenära gummibåten.

Masten sätts på. Jag tycker båten ser lite ståtligare ut nu :)
                                                                                                                                    /Hanna :)

söndag 17 juli 2011

Getting ready for Boat transport

Okay, well we're in Port-sur-Saone now after a one day trip from Gray. We are going to be working in the rain today to get Circe ready for transport. They are going to lift her and then take her to Travemunde. We will get there the day after tomorrow. I wish we could carry on but I know that my parents only want the best for us. It would still be a funny story to tell. It would go like this:
Last summer we were going to travel through the channels of France and Germany with our new boat. So we traveled through Rhone and got to Saone. The first place in Saone that we stayed in was Gray. Then we went to Scey-sur-Saone and stayed there one night before we went back downstream. We went through a few locks on Canal-du Champagne-Bourgogne. The day after that we went back upstream to Gray. We stayed there for a couple of days. We organised a transport for Circe and then we went upstream to Port-sur Saone. We lifted Circe and took her to Travemunde in Germany. We rented a car and drove there. And after that we went from Travemunde and home. Thank you for listening :P

A place where you can swim. We have gone swimming in Gray  once. 

Entrance to Canal du Champagne- Bourgogne

At the top of a lock in Canal du Champagne- Bourgogne.

The last lock on the trip :(

The last lock.

Ducks in Port-sur Saone.

Port sur Saone.

Well anyway, we still got through most of France. And now we have seen a lot of the city Gray. :P /Hanna :P

fredag 15 juli 2011

Sorted out...

...for the time beeing :-). And - in France in the midst of THE holiday, the celebration of the national day, 14 of July. We almost don't believe that we got everything arranged and sorted out, ie yacht transport, crane in Port-sur-Saone, rent a car and got the telephone number for a taxi to Velous. This had not been possible without the help from the fantastic tourist officer here in Gray! She helped us to phone all the right people, encouraged us to not give up and did all the talking in French for us! She must have used half her day helping us! Many thanks Claudine!
So - what we are going to do now is that to tomorrow we will conitue upstream Saone for two days to Port-sur-Saone. There we will be met by a truck. The crane in the harbour will lift Circe up on the truck and she will be driven to Travemunde where we will arrive almost at the same time. We will take a taxi to Vesoul and from there we have rented a car that we will drive with to Travemunde.
In Travemunde we will continu our journey after we have put the mast on again and also one of the solar panels that we need to dismantle for the transport.
Yesterday we also met with a family we joined for a day on the river a week ago at a broken lock. They also went back from further north since they got the information that Canal des Vosges will not be reopen for boats that stick more then 1,40 until October. They have more time then us so they will try to make it via a couple of other canals. That will mean more than 100 additional locks for them. Something that was impossible for us to do without approaching our jobs for extension of the holiday which we both felt would be a mission impossible...
Life is really up and down, but you learn a lot and we have met people that we never had met if it wasn't for the closing of the canal. So - bad things usually also brings good things. :-)
We will be back again with photos when we reach Travemunde.

torsdag 14 juli 2011

Stuck in Gray

Yes, you were reading the right words: we are stuck in Gray in France. Went upstream on Saone almost all the way to Canal des Vosges (which connects Saone with Mosel) and got the information that the canal is closed for boats sticking deeper then 1.40. We stick 1,75! The reason for closing the canal is low water level in the reservoair. Sjou! We headed down to Gray again and are now looking for alternatives. Either we wait for the canal to open again, which might take a couple of weeks, a month...who knows? or we have to organise a truck to transport Circe further north.
So today we celebrate the French national day, but the steam on board is a little bit low...:-(

fredag 8 juli 2011

Fashion onboard! ( med Lina Dahl )

Här kommer fashion on board med the one and only Lina Dahl!
ombord på S/Y Circe så kommer Mari, Hanna, Johan och jag ( och gäster ) visa vad för någon fashion vi har ombord.
Här kommer pappa Johan med en förvånads värd snygg outfit,
                              Rosa BILLABONG tröja med va vi (jag)på fashion ombord
                                            tror är ett par sönder klippta jeans!

Anna-Karin (våran gäst)  Slår till med en pösig outfit
                                                     snygga gråa byxer och en söt vit blus! :O

Mamma Mari kör en randig tröja och rosa shorts, nog det
                                                              enklaste vi har här ombord på S/Y Circe

Hanna i sin signaturliga elegans, En Söt tiger tröja med Marin blå
                                            racemarin Shorts, väldigt snyggt!

Till sist men den mista ombord på Circe!
Jag LINA DAHL men min eleganta, North bay sunshineclub tröja
                                                      Och mina snygga jeans shorts!

Det var allt för denna gång, Fashion onboard med mig Lina Dahl!

// Lina

A new trolley and free wi-fi in Saint Jean de Losne!

This afternoon we found a new trolley for the boat at the marina, to be used for the transport of diesel and food. This time I hope we found a more solid one. At least the price indicated that! We have also connected our laptops to the harbours free wi-fi network spot. An open network, but a network connection that needed some really advanced configurations by the capitainaire office. Well, it works and that's what counts. /Johan

We are now in St Jean de Losne :P

Anna-Karin loves to steer and she is a natural :P We are in St Jean de Losne and we are staying here for one night. Anna-Karin is leaving on Sunday and on the same day we are getting some new guests :P We went through two locks today and on the Saone they don't have floating boulards so you need two ropes to juggle with  :P /Hanna

torsdag 7 juli 2011

In Chalon sur Saone!!! :P

Last Sunday we went from Condrieu to Lyon. They have a lovely, new, little harbour and they have room for 20 boats, but I think that they are going to need a lot more because people are going to want to stay there. Their architecture is so cool and they have a building that looks like a big cheese. Even the apartments are really cool, because they all look different and have really cool details like uneven windows, balconies that look like you can fold them up, and a little bridge in between the different houses. Anna-Karin came the second day we were there and before we fetched her we climbed up on a mountain where we saw that there was a church and a small copy of the Eiffel Tower. We went to Macon the next day and it seemed like it was a harbour for smaller boats but we stayed there for a night anyway. Anna-Karin loves to steer so I'm going to show you a photo of when she is doing just that :P Today we went from Macon to Chalon sur Saone, and now we are sitting in a calm, beautiful, little cafe where they have wifi. It is pouring down rain outside and there is thunder and everything, but this is the first day that it's raining. Here are some photos:
AnnaKarin who is our new guest

A sign on a bridge that means that trafic from where you are coming from may pass there.

A lock where we locked with a big cargo ship.

A part of a barge where people live.

Rainy?? :P

Chalon sur Saone where we are now :P

 A kajak school.

A funny wall.


A cheese building.

This looks like a harbour for smaller boats.

A swan family.

                                                                                                                      / Hanna :)

First day of rain

Today we have had thunder and rain for the first time, but the boat is perfect even in bad weather :-). The bimini helps us to keep the rain out. Around four o'clock we entered Chalon-sur-Saone's leisure boat harbour. It seems like a very nice town even if the rain really is pouring down right now. We are sittíng in a nice bar drinking tea, soda and pastise. Very nice, indeed. Photos will come in the next blog post. /Mari

Left Rhone and entered Saone!

The first river on the journey is now done. Yesterday we entered the slower river Saone and with a new crew member onboard. Anna-Karin came with a flight from Stockholm and joined us in Lyon. She has proved herself to be a good and steady helmsman and did not complain about my fried fish that we had for supper last night. Altogether we  now have made 460 km of the anticipated 1920 km to Travemunde.

måndag 4 juli 2011

Top three...

...for me :-). The very relaxed captain and his two helmsmen. As Hanna wrote yesterday we spent 14 hours on the river taking us from Valence to Condrieur. We all have to take our share of the steering...
And now also Johans famous fender boards are up and sometimes used in the locks.
Waiting outside one of the locks yesterday.