During the days that we have been in Viviers, I have kept a kind of Diary of what has happened. Today we went from Viviers to Valance and they can take 420 boats in the harbour here. I've also chosen some photos from the last couple of days that I'm going to show you. Here is the "Diary":
Mamma och pappa åkte iväg innan vi hade vaknat så de väckte oss vid den första slussen den dagen. Vi åkte genom några slussar den dagen med flytande pollare och den högsta slussen var 22m hög. Det är den högsta slussen som vi åker igenom på hela resan. Vi åkte i 10 timmar och kom till Viviers där vi stannade en natt. De har stora dockor som föreställer badande kvinnor runt om i hamnen. Viviers är en jättefin gammal stad med jättefina bostadshus. Det kommer hela tiden färjor med turister som ligger i hamnen och spyr ut avgaser så att de ska kunna få el.
The mistral has come (which is a powerful wind that comes to different places in the channels) so we are going to stay in Viviers until it’s gone. We have taken a few walks in the city and my mom and I have been out running. I have taken lots of photos and I’m going to show some of them in my next post. I’m going to try to write more in English because I usually forget to :P
Today we’re still in Viviers and I’m going to go to bed soon. I can hear some frogs or some other animals outside that are really loud. First we thought it was birds but now we think that it’s frogs. Everyone else is sleeping so I’m going to go to bed too. We’ve spoken to a person who works in the little harbour and to a guy who is in another boat and they say that when the mistral comes it stays for 3,6 or 9 days. But they also said that the weather forecast shows that this time it’s only going to stay for 3 days so we should be able to leave tomorrow or on Saturday :P
Here are the photos:
This is the little harbour in Avignon. |
This is where our boat was in Port Napoleon. |
Hehe :P nice, huh? |
This measures the water levels when there is a flood, I think. |
Do you? |
This was taken by Lina on our way from Port Napoleon to Port St Louis. |
My mom, my sister, and my dad in Port St Louis. |
This is the Beaucaire lock. |
Waiting for the first lock in Port St Louis early in the morning... |
Viviers |
This is the vinjett that we bought in Arles, which is our ticket to travel in the channels. :) |
/Hanna :P
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