måndag 27 juni 2011
Mooring in Avignon
This afternoon we moored in the famous city of the popes. We were colse to getting stuck in the clay before entering the harbour, for the first time on the river. We approached an ancient bridge without any markings of how to pass it. With the help from a guy in a motorboat we were given the right direction and could safely enter the harbour and go ashore.It's hot hot hot in the harbour and before the harbour office harbour closed at 6 PM we all had a COLD shower before strolling to the city center to use the internet at McDonalds. / Johan
In Avignon!
Even if the wind was really bad we decided to move from Port Napoleon in to Port Saint Louis on Friday late afternoon. On Saturday we filled diesel carrying cans from the gas station to the boat. It was hard work!
On Sunday we locked 15 cm into Rhone and started our journey. In five and a half hours we reached Arles where we were suppose to buy the ticket for all the locks. But believe it or not - there was no place for us to moor! Finally we found a place on the side of a restaurant boat. We found out that the VNF-office (where you buy the vinjette/ticket) was closed and didn't open until today. So we stayed for the night. I just wonder how people, who want to buy the ticket in Arles do if they can't moor next to a restaurant boat.
This morning we bought the vinjette and then headed off. We made our first huge lock, 12 meters. Everything went fine! Now we are in Avignon - a beautiful city with A LOT OF traffic! See you in the next internet café...
On Sunday we locked 15 cm into Rhone and started our journey. In five and a half hours we reached Arles where we were suppose to buy the ticket for all the locks. But believe it or not - there was no place for us to moor! Finally we found a place on the side of a restaurant boat. We found out that the VNF-office (where you buy the vinjette/ticket) was closed and didn't open until today. So we stayed for the night. I just wonder how people, who want to buy the ticket in Arles do if they can't moor next to a restaurant boat.
This morning we bought the vinjette and then headed off. We made our first huge lock, 12 meters. Everything went fine! Now we are in Avignon - a beautiful city with A LOT OF traffic! See you in the next internet café...
Nu är vi i Avignon :P
AA nu e vi i Avignon och ska sova här en natt. Igår natt så sov vi utanför en resturangbåt som jag har tagit kort på men jag får ladda upp dem imon för de är på mammas dator :) Vi åkte genom en sluss förut som var 12 m hög!!! :P Men det va skojigt. Nu sitter vi här på McDonalds för det är här de har gratis internet :P Stött på lite skojsiga saker på vägen som:
1.En bro utan utmärkning ( hälften av bron hade rasat för några år sedan och man kunde inte åka under den för det var för grunt, men vi frågade en liten gummibåt som kom förbi :P Han sa att vi kunde gå vid sidan om bron.
2. Väldigt mycket ström så vi åkte bara i 2.5 knop som minst :P
3. Det har varit 37-40 grader här de senaste dagarna!!! :O :P men det är ganska gött även om det är varmt :P
Lägger upp lite bilder imon. /Hanna
1.En bro utan utmärkning ( hälften av bron hade rasat för några år sedan och man kunde inte åka under den för det var för grunt, men vi frågade en liten gummibåt som kom förbi :P Han sa att vi kunde gå vid sidan om bron.
2. Väldigt mycket ström så vi åkte bara i 2.5 knop som minst :P
3. Det har varit 37-40 grader här de senaste dagarna!!! :O :P men det är ganska gött även om det är varmt :P
Lägger upp lite bilder imon. /Hanna
Hejssan svejssan!
Hej! nu gör jag ett inlägg, det har varit varmt som sjutton, inte sjutton grader utom 40! fy f@n!
jag har det lite roligt ibland men jag saknar er där hemma ;) bara 6 veckor kvar! håll ut Lina! det går bra... hoppas jag!
aja vad ska man skriva
...ja juste bästa boken jag har läst! 230 sidor på 2 dar! skit bra den hetter: Simon & sophie av: Emma något tror jag! det är ass bra ni borde läsa den! ;) aja
hejdå Lina! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
jag har det lite roligt ibland men jag saknar er där hemma ;) bara 6 veckor kvar! håll ut Lina! det går bra... hoppas jag!
aja vad ska man skriva
...ja juste bästa boken jag har läst! 230 sidor på 2 dar! skit bra den hetter: Simon & sophie av: Emma något tror jag! det är ass bra ni borde läsa den! ;) aja
hejdå Lina! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
fredag 24 juni 2011
Some boats that we do NOT want to end up like...!!!
Windy day in Port Napoleon :P
So you see, we were planning on heading towards Port St Louis today and then staying in their harbour for one night but it's so windy and since our mast is of my parents said that they would rather wait until the wind calms down :p /Hanna
torsdag 23 juni 2011
Tomorrow we move into Port St Louis
Well, last day of preparations at the wharf Port Napoleon. Tomorrow we move into the town where the first lock of the journey is located. There we will fill up the fuel tank with diesel. It will take us some time to carry the 20 liters cans and fill up the main tank of the boat. We are all eager to start the 2,000 km trip to Travemunde after some days next to the swamps, ie. mosquitoes! / Johan
Varmt å gött :P
Nu är det nog nästan 30 grader här och det är jättehärligt!! :) Masten är av och vi ligger fortfarande i Port Napoleon pga att vi måste fixa båten och en massa mer :P Jag sover i förkojen och jag tycker det är jättegött å sova där :P Lina har akterruffen och mamma och pappa har akterkojen. En grej jag älskar med Frankrike är baguetter och alla goda ostar. Jag springer lite här och då har jag tagit 2 varv runt hamnen. hej och hejdå :p /Hanna
onsdag 22 juni 2011
Dead tired!
Oh my, very hard work today. I am dead tired. BUT. The mast is now packed for transport. Now we are just trying to get hold of the guy who is going to drive it from here to Travemunde.
Tomorrow we have to get some diesel. We only have 75 liters and we need to fill up the tank, that is about 200 liters. Unfortunately the guy who comes with a mobile filling station does not want to come if we don't buy more then 300 liters. So we have to move into the marina of the town of Port St Louis and walk over to the filling station with our two 20 liters fuel cans a couple of times to fill up. I guess I will be as tired tomorrow as today. But it feels very good to soon be leaving for the Rhone river. /Mari
Tomorrow we have to get some diesel. We only have 75 liters and we need to fill up the tank, that is about 200 liters. Unfortunately the guy who comes with a mobile filling station does not want to come if we don't buy more then 300 liters. So we have to move into the marina of the town of Port St Louis and walk over to the filling station with our two 20 liters fuel cans a couple of times to fill up. I guess I will be as tired tomorrow as today. But it feels very good to soon be leaving for the Rhone river. /Mari
Mast transport,
Port St Louise,
The mast is off
Half an hour ago we demasted the boat. Now we have to arrange the mast for the transport. Will be back this evening with some photos. Cheers! /Mari
tisdag 21 juni 2011
Nu e vi framme!!!!!! :P
Nu e vi framme!!! :) Vi åkte i Lördags på morgonen (tidigt), och sen sov vi över en natt i Tyskland, sen kom vi fram 9:30 på kvällen i förrgår (Söndag). Vi sov på ett ställe i Port Napoleon, som hamnen heter, i 2 nätter och sen imorse så flyttade vi in i båten. Vi har packat upp och tagit ner 2 segel redan. Nu sitter jag på resturangen i hamnen, för de har internet här, medan mamma och pappa tar ner bommen. Vi ska ta ner de andra seglena och så senare för masten ska lyftas av imorgon :). Jag tänkte gå ut och springa om en stund också men vi kommer att lägga ut lite bilder lite senare. :) /Hanna
fredag 17 juni 2011
alla tjatar!
Do that, do this! Put this there, Put that there -.- -.- jobbbbbbbbigt!
AAAAAAAAAAAAA jag blir snart gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalen! >:|
Do that, do this! Put this there, Put that there -.- -.- jobbbbbbbbigt!
AAAAAAAAAAAAA jag blir snart gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalen! >:|
Packat och klart bara några få grejer jag ska ha med mig på morgonen!
Har sagt hejdå till mina kompisar :( kommer sakna er en masssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa! Fatta!
LOve u! puss Lina <3
Har sagt hejdå till mina kompisar :( kommer sakna er en masssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa! Fatta!
LOve u! puss Lina <3
Det funkade!
Uppdatering. Fenderplankorna fick faktiskt plats på takräcket bredvid takboxen. Nice! Ser lite latjo ut - vad är det för något på takräcket? Ny design av wakeboards? /Johan
Semester - packning - fenderplankor
Nu är skolan slut, semester påbörjad och sommarlunchen uppäten. Nu återstår bara att packa in allt i bilen och åka. Ett återstående litet problem är dock att lösa hur vi ska få med oss de lite väl långa fenderplankorna. I bilen? Nej, I takboxen? Nej! På eller under takräcket? Kanske! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. /Johan
torsdag 16 juni 2011
The house feels empty...
Today I drove the cats to their summer hostel. A really beautiful place near a small lake about 1 1/2 hours drive from Öckerö.
We hope they settle in well. At least they have each other, even though it will be quite tough since they are used to running in and out of the house, chasing rats and mouse and enjoying the summer warmth. Fortunately the ones taking care of them loves cats and will pet and play with them every day. :-) /Mari
tisdag 14 juni 2011
The route is set
So now we have decided on the route through France and Germany. We will start in Port Saint Louise (blue dot) and the Rhone, 395 km with 13 locks, then Saone, 406 km and 23 locks, Canal des Vosges, 146 km and 96 (!) locks, Moselle/Mosel, 395 km and 28 locks, Rhen 190 km no locks, Rhein-Herne, 47 km and 6 locks, Dortmund-Ems, 92 km and 1 lock, Mittellandkanal, 252 km and 1 lock, Elbe-Seiten 115 km and 2 locks, Elbe, 5 km no locks and finally Elbe-Lubeck, 61 km and 7 locks and we carry on to Travemunde. That is around 2100 km and 187 locks. We will start from Öckerö on Saturday and if everything goes well we will be in Port Saint Louise late Monday evening. One day to go through the boat with the old owners, one day to take the mast off, wrap it in plastic and send it off. And then maybe around half a day to get food and other stuff in the boat. Then we hope for good weather. We got a report earlier today from the boat - the Mistral is blowing so hard at the moment they can not even hang the washing outside! Hope it calms down! /Mari
Canal des Vosges,
Channels in France and Gemany,
måndag 13 juni 2011
Teenager :P
Hi, you know we're leaving in FIVE days???
That means that we'll be in France on Monday :P
Every time one of my parents friends find out what we're doing for the summer they say:
"WOW, you are so brave bringing 2 teenagers on a boat for a whole summer!!"
Well we're not going to fight....that much, cuz we don't fight so much at home :P (my parents would argue)
I'ts going to be weird not being home to enjoy the Swedish summer and do the stuff that we usually do but it's really fun that we're going to do something that we've never done before :) we're really excited but the one thing that sucks is that you can't swim in the channels but I guess i'll have about two months to do that when we get home + that i'm going to get into the water and then quickly get out a couple of times this winter :) (after I've been out running of course :P) /Hanna
That means that we'll be in France on Monday :P
Every time one of my parents friends find out what we're doing for the summer they say:
"WOW, you are so brave bringing 2 teenagers on a boat for a whole summer!!"
Well we're not going to fight....that much, cuz we don't fight so much at home :P (my parents would argue)
I'ts going to be weird not being home to enjoy the Swedish summer and do the stuff that we usually do but it's really fun that we're going to do something that we've never done before :) we're really excited but the one thing that sucks is that you can't swim in the channels but I guess i'll have about two months to do that when we get home + that i'm going to get into the water and then quickly get out a couple of times this winter :) (after I've been out running of course :P) /Hanna
Packar, packar och packar...
...gör familjen idag. Nu är det snart dags. Några arbetsdagar till och sedan far vi söderut. Det laddar upp bra i vardagsrummet. Tur att vi har en takbox och bra fjädrar på bilen! /Johan
söndag 12 juni 2011
Food on board
As some of you already know I am working on a cook book: "How to fix everyday life easy when one in the family is a vegetarian and the rest are meat eaters (or like Johan says, flexitarians :-))". The manuscript is filled with recipes where dishes for meat is converted into vegetarian ones in a way that means that you can make both without spending more time in the kitchen.
The knew challenge is to keep on making two different courses on the boat with a smaller stove. Maybe Johan can help me with his small braai (grill, barbecue). Recipes will be published here! /Mari
The knew challenge is to keep on making two different courses on the boat with a smaller stove. Maybe Johan can help me with his small braai (grill, barbecue). Recipes will be published here! /Mari
Wrap the mast and...
...send it off to Travemunde with Yachtservice Wolfgang Graf (Germany). This will be among the first things to attend when arriving in Port Saint Louis. We are now scanning the market for a long plastic tube that can be used for covering the mast during the transport across Europe. Secure it with 100 metres of silver tape will hopefully make it last through the roughly 1,500 km journey. Myth Busters has in more than one experiment proved that silver tape is immensely strong though quite sensitve to UV radiation. /Johan
lördag 11 juni 2011
CEVNI Certificate
The Euroregs is a compulsory book to have on-board while traveling the inland waterways of Europe. At least in France, Germany and the Netherlands. I did sit for the test two weeks ago and past the 20 questions. Not to difficult due to the reason that I could use the book during the test :-). I guess you have to prove that you have basic skills to find information in a book. Still, now I got the stamp which indicate that I have achieved the channel certificate! /Johan
Starting to wind up things
Today we drove Fiona, our rabbit, to her summer family. It will be sooo nice for her with two quite small children very interested in her. Perfect summer holiday! Now the packing starts and our living room floor is slowly starting to fill up. Fortunately we inherit a lot of things of the former owners so we don't have to bring everything./Mari
fredag 10 juni 2011
New day, new post... ;)
Okay well this is the first time I'm posting in English and I'm going to tell you what happened 2day. Fiona, our rabbit was out jumping aroud but then I looked away for a second and she was GONE!! I went around the neighbourhood to look for her and then my dad found her under the trampoline... :P she has gone to the neighboors a few times so we've looked for her before but this is the deal:
During the summer she is going to stay with another family so we're taking her to them 2morrow and if she ran away now that would not be so good.... I'm going 2 miss her so much but I'm going to miss my cats alot awsell because they're staying at a boarding place :( I wish I could take them with me :)
But I think they'll have a good time anyway :) /Hanna
During the summer she is going to stay with another family so we're taking her to them 2morrow and if she ran away now that would not be so good.... I'm going 2 miss her so much but I'm going to miss my cats alot awsell because they're staying at a boarding place :( I wish I could take them with me :)
But I think they'll have a good time anyway :) /Hanna
Muscle up!
Getting stronger. |
There are two hundred locks to pass on our way from France to Sweden. On one channel (Canal des Vosges) which is only around 150 km long, there are 98 locks. Jou!
I better squeeze on... /Mari
New decision concerning the VHF
Yesterday we got informed that we can buy a handhold VHF for 69 € in France. We will do that instead of arranging with a temporary antenna on the targa. /Johan
torsdag 9 juni 2011
Fendrar och fenderplankor
Ja, vi har läst och hört att folk som slussar mer eller mindre madrasserar sina båtar när de slussar. Någon 35 fotare hade 20! stora fendrar. Vi har köpt på oss två extra och en stor bojfender att lägga till de sex fendrar som redan finns på båten. Vi har också tillverkat två fenderplankor för att kunna lägga till mot pollare som står en bit i från varandra. Är det någon där ute som har synpunkter på antal fendrar som behövs för slussandet så hör gärna av er till oss. /Johan
Dagens problemlösning!
VHF antennen sitter i masttoppen. Masten måste av eftersom högsta segelbara höjd i kanalerna är 3,5 m. Vad göra? VHF behöver man på kanalerna. Det blir att åka till Seasea och köpa en nödantenn och VHF kabel och montera antennen på targabågen som tillfällig lösning tills vi mastar på igen i Travemunde! Problem är till för att lösas, helst fort. /Johan
Hej från mig :P
Det är Hanna som skriver den här gången och jag tycker iaf att det ska bli JÄTTEkul att åka genom Europas kanaler i sommar. Jag slutar åttan nästa vecka och jag har PRECIS tagit VHF certifikat (som pappa skrev) OCH kustskepparintyg så nu är jag skeppare på båten :) :) :) :) :)
CHEERS/ Andra kaptenen (Hanna) :P
Den bäste som skriver?
Ja som ni förstår så är det jag (Lina) som skriver ;)
Pirrig! När ska jag packa? Vad ska jag ha me mig? Ska man ha smink? Plattång crulltång? AAAAAA jag blir galen snart! :O
pussssss och kraaaaaaaaam Den bäste ;*
Pirrig! När ska jag packa? Vad ska jag ha me mig? Ska man ha smink? Plattång crulltång? AAAAAA jag blir galen snart! :O
pussssss och kraaaaaaaaam Den bäste ;*
YES! YES! YES! I made it!
I got my VHF-certificate today. Makes it easier to communicate with the lock keepers in France and Germany. Here we come!
onsdag 8 juni 2011
Den 18 juni åker vi!
Ja, som Lina skriver så åker vi bil ner till Port St. Louis för att ta över Circe. Det tar tre dagar ner - men ca 40 dagar tillbaka hem genom kanalerna och de 200 slussarna i Frankrike, Luxemburg och Tyskland. /Johan
Lina here!
Ja som sagt är det Lina som skriver nu :P!
Jätte spänd inför resan men två grejer jag hatar är att vi ska åka bil i tre dagar :/ och att jag ska vara borta från kompisar :'',',( .
Jaja i alla fall så kommer jag sakna er så väldigt mycket :* <3
Countdown: 9....
Pussssssssssss och kraaaaaaaaaam Lina :*
Jätte spänd inför resan men två grejer jag hatar är att vi ska åka bil i tre dagar :/ och att jag ska vara borta från kompisar :'',',( .
Jaja i alla fall så kommer jag sakna er så väldigt mycket :* <3
Countdown: 9....
Pussssssssssss och kraaaaaaaaaam Lina :*
VHF certifikat
I morgon är det dags för Mari att skriva för VHF-certifikat! Hoppas det går bra så vi kan kommunicera med slussvakterna i Frankrike. Hanna som tog sitt certifikat förra veckan har intensivdrillat mamma i kväll. Talar för ett positivt resultat! /Johan
söndag 5 juni 2011
Nu börjar snart vår första resa med vår nya båt Circe
european canals,
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